SEASCN is a network of counsellors working in international schools around Asia. We run annual conferences for international school counsellors, graciously hosted in turns by volunteer schools in the region, and act as a medium for counsellors to share resources, pick each others brains and generally seek support in our unique but sometimes challenging roles.

Conference 2024/25

We are really excited to announce that our 13th annual conference will be held at International School of Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia on 29th and 30th November 2024.

The annual conference is a chance for School Counsellors from across the region (and beyond!) to connect, share good practice and engage in self care with other professionals who know exactly what their job entails. As International School Counsellors we have a perculiar and often isolating role – getting together once a year helps us to feel part of a community with our peers.

As always we are looking for counsellors who would like to share learning, to present research, good practice or give “how to’s” as part of the conference. As we are an informal network, the conference’s success relies on us stepping up and giving talks and workshops. We would love to hear from you if you are passionate about a way of working, methods for helping students or feel you have something interesting you would like to share.

If you do, please sign up at the conference website here

We have raised the entrance fee slightly this year – this is to ensure School Counsellors in local schools in Cambodia also have the chance to join us.

We will also have a days training on Thursday 28th of November which is optional. We will announce the speaker and topic closer to the date.

As always the conference aims to give participants practical strategies that they can use in their work with children and young people, and on the Friday evening a social is planned, to give participants the opportunity to unwind and get to know their peers from across the region.

The conferences are run not-for-profit and the entry fee covers costs only. We would not be able to put on annual conferences if it were not for the generousity of the host schools and you, our speakers.

We hope to see you there! Aylssa & Emmanual

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